SGML Conversion
We specializing in the implementation and management of large, complex SGML Conversion Projects helps businesses such as government agencies, large corporations, online information providers, heavily dependant on information.
The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) was adopted as ISO 8879 in 1986. Since its inception, SGML is being used by an ever-increasing number of organizations to assist in the creation, management, storage, and delivery of their information products.
We specializing in the implementation and management of large, complex SGML conversion projects helps businesses such as government agencies, large corporations and online information providers, heavily dependent on information.
The process of building an SGML document system involves a great number of steps and processes. Depending on your specific requirement.
Our key efforts in SGML Conversion would be:
Analyzing data and developing DTD (Document Type Definitions) /Schema
Developing and writing SGML conversion specification
Implementing Softwares for SGML processing
Proofing, Validation and QC Audits
Our extensive range of expertise includes:
- Dictionaries, Encyclopedias.
- Technical Documents and Manuscript.
- SGML to Pagination and Conversions.
- Scientific Books and Journals including Equations, Graphics & Tables.
- SGML to HTML for Internet Publishing and Web Publishing.
- SGML to Storage Media Publishing.
- SGML to CD-ROM Publishing.
- Text to SGML.
- Quark to XML/HTML.
And more …
We use state-of-the-art production processes to deliver multiple output forms from input data through a single workflow process, ensuring the integrity of data.
Outsourcing data entry and SGML conversion requirements to us enables clients to save 50-60 % of their costs.
Please contact us with your data outsourcing and data conversion requirements.
For more information, e-mail us: